Project Description

Thermal Wheel HRU

Air³ Solution

Heat Pump DX Control

Wellington College is positioned as one of the top boarding schools in the UK and is situated on a 400 acre campus in the Berkshire countryside.    

As part of a new  £12 million Performing Arts Centre being constructed in the college, w e supplied a Medium sized iSmart Panel to control a large Air Handling Unit providing air into a 1400-seat auditorium.

To communicate with the Trend BMS system, the control panel was fitted with a plug-in serial card providing BACnet over IP comms. This enabled our controls to seamlessly exchange information with the front-end BMS allowing the unit to automatically adjust the fan speeds based on the opening and closing of VAV cassettes in order to maintain a constant pressure.

The control panel was also able to integrate directly with an external Evaporative Cooler. The iSmart software catered for an anti-legionella drying cycle to ensure that the pack of the evaporative cooler was completely dry after use.

Since the AHU was providing air into a the theatre space, the client requested a ‘Low Noise Mode’ which could be activated when live shows were taking place. This functionality was achieved effortlessly by the controls which would automatically adjust the pressure set-point of the fans, allowing them to slow down and in turn produce less noise into the space.