Home Forums Technical Support Is the CAREL pCO1 range still available?

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    CARAEL has plans to phase-out pCO1 and pCOC programmable controllers.

    Part numbers involved in the phase-out are the following:

    • PCO1****S*, PCO1****M*, all the accessorizes (PCO100CEF0, PCO100KEY0, PCO1**CLK0), the connectors and any kit containing these part numbers
    • PCOC****** and any kit containing the part number

    Reason for termination

    The pCO1 and pCOC range of Programmable Controller were introduced to the market in 2002.

    After years of good selling performance they are in declining phase. The service level is continuously dropping: reduced volumes imply a reduction in lot size and sub-optimal use of production lines. Products leadtimes keep increasing.

    Moreover, pCO1 and pCOC are produced using some components that are becoming obsolete and difficult to retrieve.

    Replacement part numbers

    pCO1 and pCOC can be replaced by the best matching pCO5+ size. Please note, that there is not a pin to pin compatible solution. To choose the best option please consult the following comparison table:

    Model Size(DIN) AI DI AO DO
    pCO1S 13 6 8 4 8
    pCO5+S* 13 5 8 4 8
    pCO1M 18 8 14 4 13
    pCOC 17 8 12 2 13
    pCO5+M* 18 8 14 4 13

    * AI is Universal channel in pCO5+

    The software application currently running on pCO1/pCOC must be verified and recompiled to run in a pCO5+.

    The pCO1 and pCOC termination has the following schedule:

    • Last Order Date (LOD):December 31, 2020
    • Last Shipment Date (LSD): July 1, 2021

    Please note after LOD date all late orders will be discarded.

    Production will continue only for orders booked within LOD.

    After LSD all production lines will be decommissioned.

    Repairs and spare parts after LSD will be guaranteed with the original (pCO1 or pCOC) or functionally equivalent products (pCO5+), according to availability.

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